Home - k. k. Hof-Kunst-Bauschlosser und Eisenkonstrukteur ALBERT MILDE

Exhibition on 12.10.1995

k. k. Albert Milde

Invitatione to the Exhibition


To the Exhibition
“k.u.k. artistic wrought-iron-smith Albert Milde”
In the Viennese state guild of locksmiths
“Small Conference Hall”
1080 Vienna, Wickenburggasse 1

Thursday, 12th of October 1995
10.30 a.m.

Through the exhibition leads:
Locksmith Mr. Johann E. Holzinger

the exhibition is followed by a meeting
in cozy atmosphere in Restaurant
Adam Hermann
1080 Vienna, Florianigasse 2

The great-grandson of Albert Milde
is looking forward to your coming and
asks to inform your positive decision
at phone no.: 597736



Exhibition table

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Details of Exhibition Table

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Mr. Johann E. Holzinger

Vortragender Mr. Johann E. Holzinger



Besucher und UrenkelRetzbach, Holzinger, Klein, Milde Holzinger und BesucherBesucher hören zuBesucher hören zuBeer, Ofner, NeulingerTettenborn, Retzbach, Klein, Retzbach


Im Restaurant Adam

Retzbachund Herr und Frau HolzingerSalzburger NockerlBeim EssemUrenkel beim Essen